War Factory

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War Factory

Giant Mobile Factory

Mobility Ground
Giant Yes
Cost 800
Upkeep 200
Unlock cost 200
Units 1
HP 146782
Attack 7184 × 2
Target Ground Only
Attack Interval 1.8s
Splash Damage 4.5m
Burst Damage 14368
Max DPS 7982
Range 100m
Speed 6m/s
Super giant mobile factory, good at manufacturing units and using overwhelming firepower to strike enemies.
Values are normalized to the supply cost of the unit to make it easier to compare units.
The Splash Index tries to calculate the effectiveness vs spam by multiply attacks with slash area and a penalty for damage below 350.
Unit Cost

800 - 1000

HP Value

146.8 - 183.5

Burst Value

14.4 - 18

DPS Value

8 - 10

Splash Index




The War Factory is an expensive and colossal unit that boasts immense durability and firepower. This unit's main weapon is housed in four turrets along its hull that can independently engage different targets, potentially quadrupling its stated damage output. Keep in mind that its turrets have limited arcs of fire; the rear turrets cannot engage foes in front of the factory and the front turrets cannot engage foes behind the factory, under normal circumstances the rear turrets are seldom active.

The War Factory is notable for a variety of traits:

-It is the only unit that incurs upkeep; 200 supplies are automatically deducted from your income at the start of the round for every War Factory you have on the field, however Efficient Maintenance can reduce it to 50 per round. For this reason it is not a good idea to buy a War Factory prior to turn 5 unless you have saved enough supplies to immediately purchase Efficient Maintenance in addition to the War Factory itself so it doesn't cripple your economy going forward.

-It cannot be fitted with a module.

-It is one of the few units with unit production technologies whose summoned units will adopt the level of the War Factory itself. For example a level 5 War Factory with Steel Ball Production will produce level 5 Steel Balls.

-It has an expanded tech tray that enables it to bring up to 6 technologies rather than 4; while it isn't practical to have all six technologies active at once, it enables the factory a great degree of flexibility for a variety of strategies.

Naturally, there are a few main ways to utilize the War Factory.

The first main strategy is to directly bring its immense stats to the front-lines to become the focal-point of your aggressive push. Aggressive War Factories will bring technologies such as Steel Ball Production to push the tower and create additional chaff with the Steel Ball's own Mechanical Division.

Missile Intercept is handy on an aggressive factory to protect other components of the strategy from enemy stormcallers, farseers, phantom rays, and Sentry Missiles. Photon Coating enables the War Factory to shrug off some of the inexpensive answers to the factory itself such as crawlers with Acidic Explosion and fangs with Ignite to demand a more substantial response such as a melting point.

It is best to leave 7x7 gaps in your formation where you can easily place your War Factory, it is wise to beacon an aggressive factory to cut across the center of your opponent's board at an angle, this way one of the War Factory's rear turrets will have an angle on the enemy's board to effectively boost its damage output by 50%.

The other main strategy, true to the War Factory's name, is focused around its various production technologies. This kind of War Factory best behind a tower. This is where it can protect one of your flanks, and use the Sledgehammer Production and Phoenix Production technologies to churn out units that can grind down your opponent's board by the time the War Factory has engaged. To delay your production factory from getting into the fight you may wish to use your mobile beacon to travel along the rear of your own board where it can get more value out of your production technologies. Since it is likely you will be getting multiple production factories to flood the board, it is a good idea to get Efficient Maintenance to afford as many as you can in the long term.

Tech Upgrades

Icon Name Cost Description
Range Enhancement 300 Increases attack range by 40m
Range 140m
Efficient Maintenance 200 The upkeep cost of War Factory is reduced by 150 (to 50 instead of 200 per turn).
Upkeep 50
Phoenix Production 300 Produces 1 Phoenix to join the battle every 13s for 6 times
Steel Ball Production 250 Produces 1 Steel Ball to join the battle every 6.5s for 11 times.
Sledgehammer Production 200 Produces 1 Sledgehammer to join the battle every 4.6s for 17 times
Missile Intercept 250 Try to intercept enemy missiles within 150 meters (Battlefield powers can't be intercepted), continuous interception for a long time will lead to a decline in interception efficiency. Interception efficiency is independent of the War Factory's attack and level.
Intercepts missiles from Stormcaller, Farseer and Overlord, Tech from Fortress, Vulcan, and Melting Point as well as Sentry missiles
Launcher Overload 200 Decreases War Factory's attack interval by 50%, reduces range by 20m
DPS 12931.2, Range 80m
Photon Coating 200 Covers the unit with a photon coating, reducing damage received by 30% for the first 25s of battle and grants immunity to electromagnetic, ignited, acid, and degeneration beam effects.
Armor Enhancement 100 HP is increased by 50% and 60 damage is blocked when attacked. The damage blocking effect increases by 60 with each level.
HP 220173
High-Explosive Ammo 200 Increases the splash damage range of the main guns by 7m, but decreases ATK by 30%
DPS 5588, Splash 11.5m

Update Notes
  • Damage to player's HP reduced from 600 to 500.
  • HP decreased from 166798 to 146782 (12% decrease).
  • [Efficient Maintenance] increased from 50 to 200.
  • ATK increased from 6843 to 7184 (5% increase).
  • [Efficient Maintenance] upkeep reduction increased from 100 to 150.
  • [Armor Enhancement] cost decreased from 200 to 100.
  • [Phoenix Production] Production limit increased from 5 to 6; cost decreased from 350 to 300.
  • [Steel Ball Production] Production limit increased from 9 to 100; cost decreased from 300 to 250.
  • [Sledgehammer Production] Production limit increased from 12 to 17; cost decreased from 250 to 200.
  • [High-Explosive Ammo] ATK reduction decreased from 40% to 30%.
  • Range decreased from 110 to 100.
  • [Armor Enhancement] Tech's HP bonus increased from 35% to 50%.
  • [Photon Coating] duration increased from 16 seconds to 25 seconds, and the damage reduction is decreased from 50% to 30%.
  • Upkeep increased from 150 per round to 200 per round.
  • HP decreased from 189543 to 166798.
  • [Steel Ball Production] production interval increased from 5.5s to 6.5s.
  • [Phoenix Production] production interval increased from 11s to 13s.
  • [Sledgethammer Production] production interval increased from 4.4 seconds to 4.6 seconds.
  • Range increased from 100 to 110.
  • Attack interval adjusted from 2 seconds to 1.8 seconds.
  • HP increased by 3%.
  • The production interval of [Steel Ball Production] adjusted from 5 seconds to 5.5 seconds.
  • The production interval of [SledgeHammer Production] adjusted from 4 seconds to 4.4 seconds.
  • The production interval of [Phoenix Production] adjusted from 10 seconds to 11 seconds, and the price is adjusted from 300 to 350.
  • HP is adjusted from 160008 to 184023.
  • The price of [High Explosive Ammo] adjusted from 300 to 150.
  • The price of [Missile Interceptor] adjusted from 200 to 250.
  • The size of the WAR FACTORY has been adjusted from 8x8 to 7x7.
  • WAR FACTORY's damage to player HP has been adjusted from 800 to 600.
  • WAR FACTORY's upkeep has been adjusted from 200 to 150.
  • The price of [High Explosive Ammo] has been adjusted from 200 to 150.
  • The price of [Armor Enhancement] has been adjusted from 300 to 200.
  • The interception efficiency of [Missile Interception] has been greatly improved.
  • The price of [SLEDGEHAMMER Production] has been adjusted from 300 to 250.
  • New Tech [Efficient Maintenance]: The upkeep cost of War Factory is reduced by 100.
  • New Tech [HIGH-EXPLOSIVE AMMO]: Increases the splash damage range of the main guns by 5m, but decreases ATK by 40%.
  • The experience required to level up the WAR FACTORY has been reduced by 30%.
  • The price of [Missile Interceptor] is adjusted from 250 to 200.
  • The price of [Photon Coating] is adjusted from 300 to 200.
  • Unit added