
From Mechabellum Wiki
Revision as of 23:29, 2 June 2023 by HUBA (talk | contribs) (patch 0.7.6)

Level 1 Specialists

Name Starting SPC? Effect
Shield Device SPC Increases the strength of shield devices by 40% (Not Fortress/Hacker/Portable. Only 100$ ones)
Missile Device SPC Increases the damage of Sentry Missile devices by 200%
Strike SPC Reduces the teleportation time required for strike units deployed at the enemy's rear by 50%
Intelligent Fortress Increases the experience gain rate of Fortress by 100% (removed SPC)
Improved Fortress The Fortress' HP is increased by 50%, the attack is increased by 30%, and the movement speed is increased by 3, but the recruitment cost is increased by 100.
Intelligent Marksman SPC Increases the experience gain rate of Marksman by 100%
Intelligent Vulcan Increases the experience gain rate of Vulcan by 100% (removed SPC)
Mass Produced Rhino Decreases the recruitment cost of Rhino by 100, but Rhino's ATK decreses by 30% HP decreases by 30%
Mass Produced Wasp Decreases the recruitment cost of Wasp by 100 but decreases Wasp's ATK by 35%, decreases HP by 35%
Subsidized-Mustang Mustang recruitment prize is reduced by 50
Heavy Mustang Mustang's HP increases by 200%, but range decreases by 15m
Subsidized-Steel Ball The recruitment price of Steel Ball is reduced by 50
Assault Fang Fang's ATK increases by 40%, movement speed increased by 3, but range decreases by 15
Subsidized-Crawler Decreases the upgrade cost of Crawler by 50
Intelligent Overlord Increases the experience gain rate ov Overlord by 100% (removed SPC)
Subsidized-Stormcaller Recruitment price of Stormcaller is reduced by 50
Mass Produced Sledgehammer The recruitment price of the Sledgehammer is reduced by 100, but the ATK is reduced by 30% and the HP is reduced by 30%
Extended Range Sledgehammer Sledgehammer's range icreased by 30, but HP decreased by 30%
Heavy Hacker Hacker's HP increases by 500%, movement speed is increased by 5, but range decreases by 35m
Subsidized-Arclight Arclights recruitment price reduced by 50
Intelligent Arclight Increases the experience gain rate of Arclight by 100%
Heavy Arclight Arclight's HP increases by 200%, but range decreases by 15m
Mass Produced Phoenix Decreases the recruitment cost of Phoenix by 100, but Poenix' ATK decreases by 40%, HP decreases by 40%
Extended Range Phoenix Phoenix' range increases by 20, but ATK decreases by 20%

Level 2 Specialists

Name Starting SPC? Effect
Tech SPC Reduces the Tech upgrade cost of all units by 50
Senior Manufacturing SPC Decreases the recruitment cost of giant units by 50
Marksman Pilot Yes Start with a free Lv. 3 Marksman
Defense Enhancement Increases the HP of all units by 15%
Attack Enhancement Increases the attack of all units by 10%
Elite SPC Yes Able to recruit Lv. 3 units
Rhino Pilot Yes Get 1 Lv. 2 Rhino free on round 3
Cost Control SPC Get an extra 100 supply every round, but the ATK of all units is reduced by 15%, and the HP is reduced by 15%
Supply SPC Yes Obtain 50 additional supplies per round
Deployment SPC Increases the number of deployable units per round to 3
Quick Supply SPC Yes Obtain 200 supplies in the first round
Mass Produced Fortress Decreases the recruitment cost of Fortress by 100 but decreases Fortress' ATK by 30% and decreases Fortress' HP by 30%
Assault Fortress Increases Fortress' ATK by 30%, increases Fortress' HP by 30%, increases Fortress' Speed by 3, but decreases Fortress' range by 10
Extended Range Fortress Fortress' range increased by 20, but HP decreased by 30%
Extended Range Marksman Increases Marksman's range by 30, but decreases Marksman's ATK by 25%
Subsidized-Marksman Decreases the recruitment cost of Marksman by 50
Extended Range Vulcan Vulcan range increases by 20m, ATK increases by 50% but HP decreases by 30%
Assault Vulcan Vulcan's HP increases by 40%, movement speed increases by 3 but range decreases by 10
Assault Melting Point Melting Point's HP increases by 70%, movement speed increases by 3, but range decreases by 15m
Improved Melting Point Melting Point ATK increases by 50%, range increases by 20m, but recruitment cost increases by 100
Rage Rhino Every unit Rhino kills increases its ATK by 10% for this round
Improved Wasp Wasp's ATK increases by 50%, HP increases by 50%, range increases by 20m, but recruitment cost increases by 100
Rage Wasp Every unit Wasp kills increases its ATK by 20% and increases its HP by 20% for this round
Extended Range Steel Ball Steel Ball's range increases by 40m, but HP decreases by 40% (removed SPC)
Improved Steel Ball Steel Ball's attack increased by 50%, HP increased by 30%, and movement speed increased by 3, but the recruitment cost increased by 50.
Elite Fang Able to recruit Lv. 3 Fang
Elite Crawler Able to recruit Lv. 5 Crawler
Improved Crawler The Crawler's ATK increases by 80%, HP increases by 40% but the recruitment price increases by 50
Heavy Overlord Overlord's HP increases by 75% but ATK decreases by 35%
Mass Produced Overlord Decreases the recruitment cost of Overlord by 100, but Overlord range decreases by 10, ATK decreases by 20%, HP decreases by 20 %
Improved Overlord Overlord's ATK increased by 30%, HP increased by 10%, range increased by 20 but the recruitment prize increases by 100
Assault Stormcaller Stormcaller's ATK increases by 40%, movement speed increases by 3, but range decreases by 30
Extended Range Stormcaller Stormcaller range increased by 40, attack reduced by 30%
Improved Stormcaller Stormcaller's ATK increases by 50%, HP increases by 400%, movement speed increases by 5 but range decreases by 20, recruitment price increases by 100
Rage Sledgehammer Every time the Sledgehammer kills a unit, the attak power of this round will increase by 8% and the HP will increase by 8%
Improved Sledgehammer Sledgehammer's ATK increases by 60%, the HP increases by 60% and the movement speed increases by 3 but the recruitment price increases by 100
Extended Range Hacker Hacker's range increases by 30m, but ATK decreases by 30%
Extended Range Arclight Arclight's range increases by 40m, but ATK decreases by 30%
Mass Produced Phoenix The recruitment price pf Phoenix is reduced by 100 but the ATK is reduced by 40% and the HP is reduced by 40%
Extended Range Phoenix Phoenix' range increases by 20, but ATK decreases by 20%

Level 3 Specialists

Name Starting SPC? Effect
Giant SPC Yes Giant units no longer consume supplies when being unlocked
Aerial SPC Yes/only Aerial units no longer consume supplies when being unlocked and increases the range of all aerial units by 10m
Speed SPC Yes Increases movement speed of all units by 3
Skill SPC Decreases the cooldown of all battlefield skills by 1 rounds
Giant Hunter Obtain 50 supplies for every enemy giant unit destroyed

Level 4 Specialists

Name Starting SPC? Effect
Senior Defense SPC Increases the HP of all units by 30%
Senior Attack SPC Increases the attack of all units by 30%
Ranged SPC Increases the range of all ranged units by 12m
Junior Recruitment SPC Decreases the recruitment cost of non-giant units by 50
Top Supply SPC Starting from the next round, obtain 150 additional supplies per round