
From Mechabellum Wiki

This section focus more on the interaction of player.


Tempo is a term from chess and describe a move that give an advantage or better force a move from the opponent. In Mechabellum this is similar. As long as you can work on your strategy and not have to react to the opponent while he has to react to your build, you have the tempo. Another way to put it is ask and answer. Ask a question with a move and force an answer from the opponent. But just "asking" might not be enough like in chess force the opponent to protect the king might be answered with a move that put pressure on you. Having the tempo, asking the right answers put pressure on the opponent is a key factor to wind the match.


While usually keeping the pressure up and asking new questions it is important to be aware of the snowball effect. Keep building a lot of units or level up the key units can make it difficult for the opponent to keep up. It is important to spot a potential snowball early but also not overreact. With tempo a snowball is more likely.


A carry is usually the main unit suppose to do damage and/or clear the field. Thees units get more upgrades and are in higher numbers on the field. Identify early which unit will become the carry can help to build your board accordingly also build up a carry and not spend too many supply on tech for many units is more cost efficient.


Flanking allow to attack from a different angle, having a free way to the tower or attacking a unit from two sides is very strong but the downside is the warp-in time of 10s for newly placed units and the limited room not allowing a backline in the flank. The flank also has the potential of snowballing because player usually don't want to overreact to a flank and try to react with a minimum of cost/effort. A second use of the flank is distraction. Because units target the closest enemy a cheap unit in the flank can pull multiple units and weaken the main force. A downside can be a counter to the flanking unit which can farm some EX and potential become a threat later on. Also if the flank it too effective in distracting a Sentry Missile can help but it will cost 50 supply each turn and shouldn't be the solution too early in the game.