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Revision as of 12:58, 29 September 2023 by HUBA (talk | contribs) (update 0.7.25)

Experience Levels

  • When a unit gains enough experience to level, you can pay an amount equal to half of its base cost to level it up
  • A unit's HP and Damage are multiplied by its level. E.g. A level 1 Marksman has 1471 HP and 2271 Damage. A level 5 Marksman has 7355 HP and 11355 Damage
  • The max level is 9
  • If a unit is purchased at a higher level, the level up cost is paid in advance
  • All units can be purchased at level 2 if you have the Elite SPC Specialist or pay 100 for Elite Recruitment in your Command Center
  • Fangs can be purchased at level 3 if you have the Elite Fang Specialist
  • Crawlers can be purchased at level 5 if you have the Elite Crawler Specialist
  • The Marksman Pilot Specialist receives a free level 3 Marksman before the first round
  • The Rhino Pilot Specialist receives a free level 2 Rhino before the third round
  • A higher level unit gives more XP, level 2 gives 3 times the XP. The formula is Base XP * (2 * Level - 1)

Experience (XP) Gain Rules

This section might be outdated and need further testing. For example units gain XP by proximity without hitting/attacking and ground effects do give XP

Kill XP

  • The unit that gets the killing blow receives 50% of the XP
  • Only kills from weapon attacks will grant kill XP
  • Fire, acid, skills, and hacks skip kill XP and instead distribute 100% of the XP via Participation XP

Participation XP

  • Any unit, including hacked units, that hits with their weapon counts as participating. Damage does not matter
  • Hacking, even partially, counts as participating
  • Ground effects do NOT count as participating
  • Summoned units tag their summoner as participating
  • Hacked units will slowly get XP for themselves from participation
  • Participation XP is split equally amongst all participants, rounded down
  • Participation XP is 50% if kill XP was granted, otherwise 100% of the total XP if the unit was hacked or killed by skills or ground effects

XP Negation Reasons

In the following situations, after XP is distributed, the XP that a unit would be granted is zeroed out

  • Dead units, all XP gains are negated. Except when a Rhino uses Final Blitz, it still receives XP from the exploded units
  • Summoned units, all XP gains are not retained
  • Hacked units, kill XP is negated. Participation XP is unaffected which means that hacked units slowly gain XP for themselves
  • Units at max XP for their level, all XP gains are negated
  • Units killed entirely by skills and/or ground effects grant no XP spread there XP to all units (incl. kill XP).

XP Gain Examples

  • Two Marksmen shoot each other. One bullet will hit milliseconds before the other which means one of the Marksmen gains 200 XP and the other gains 0 XP from being dead when their bullet hits.
  • A Vulcan summons a Marksman. The Marksman kills a crawler. The Marksman gains 6 XP, 4 from the kill, 2 from participating. The Vulcan gains 2 XP from participating via summon.
  • A Hacker hacks a Rhino while being assisted by crawlers that survive. The Hacker gains 200 XP. The Crawler gains 200 XP.
  • A Stormcaller with incendiary bomb leaves some fire on the ground. A squad of Fangs dies to the fire. The Stormcaller gains 0 XP since it did not hit the Fangs.
  • A Mustang hits a Rhino with Armor Enhancement and deal zero damage. An Orbital Javelin kills the Rhino. The Mustang gains 400 XP since it participated.
  • A hacked Rhino kills another Rhino that was partially hacked by a Hacker. The Rhino gains 100 XP via participation for itself, the 200 XP from the kill is negated. The Hacker gains 100 XP via participation.
  • A Rhino with Final Blitz is killed by a Rhino which is then killed by the Final Blitz. Both Rhinos gain 400 XP for killing a Rhino

XP Per Unit Killed

XP is multiplied by (2 * Level - 1)
Unit XP Per Unit Total Squad XP
Crawler 8 192
Arclight 200 200
Marksman 200 200
Tower 200 200
Fang 12 216
Sledgehammer 80 400
Steel Ball 100 400
Stormcaller 100 400
Phoenix 200 400
Rhino 400 400
Hacker 400 400
Wasp 34 408
Mustang 34 408
Fortress 800 800
Vulcan 800 800
Melting Point 800 800
Overlord 800 800

XP Requirements

XP requirements increase each level by a certain multiplier of the previous/base level. While the first level up is relative cheap, the second has the highest increase with +122% and the third already only +32% (next: +17%, +11%, +8%, +6%, and +5% increase).

Unit XP To Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Level 7 Level 8 Level 9
Crawler 450 1001 1322 1551 1728 1873 1995 2102
Arclight 500 1112 1469 1723 1920 2081 2217 2335
Hacker 560 1245 1645 1930 2150 2331 2483 2615
Fang 600 1334 1763 2068 2304 2497 2660 2802
Marksman 650 1446 1910 2240 2496 2705 2882 3036
Steel Ball 780 1735 2292 2688 2995 3246 3459 3643
Sledgehammer 800 1779 2350 2757 3072 3330 3547 3736
Wasp 900 2002 2644 3101 3456 3746 3991 4203
Mustang 1100 2446 3232 3791 4224 4578 4877 5137
Stormcaller 1100 2446 3232 3791 4224 4578 4877 5137
Rhino 1150 2558 3379 3963 4416 4786 5099 5371
Phoenix 1300 2891 3819 4480 4992 5411 5764 6071
Melting Point 1400 3114 4113 4824 5376 5827 6208 6538
Fortress 1600 3558 4701 5514 6144 6659 7094 7472
Overlord 2000 4448 5876 6892 7680 8324 8868 9340
Vulcan 2000 4448 5876 6892 7680 8324 8868 9340
(Numbers might be off by a few points)